Areas of Expertise
Dependable Financing When You Need It

Mortgage Advice
Your mortgage is probably the largest financial transaction and commitment you are ever likely to undertake. That is why Next Step Advice Ltd offer independent mortgage advice, which is individually tailored to your needs and requirements.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance is designed to pay out if you die early. Most people who take out this type of protection take just enough to pay off their mortgage… But is this really enough?
For some of us, our mortgage is only one of many financial commitments we have, such as loans, credit cards, childcare costs etc.
Buildings and Contents Insurance &
Landlords Insurance
If you are taking out a mortgage, protecting your home is a legal requirement and it’s important to ensure that you have the appropriate level of cover in place. However, the cheapest cover isn’t always the best!
A Buildings Insurance policy should cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home if it’s damaged. It should cover you for events such as storms and floods, fire, vandalism, subsidence and water damage. Contents covers all the items in your home against theft, fire, and flood.